Parking – like the scary ride at Universal

Steering wheel cranked ALL the way right!

Steering wheel cranked ALL the way right!

So, I’ve mentioned that Switzerland is a small country. Which means there are a lot of small things here, like parking spaces and parking garages – parking lots don’t even exits.

Yes, that's about a skinch on either side...

Yes, that’s about a skinch on either side…

Oh, I’m not complaining, at least I have a parking spot (and negative, it’s not free, another thing about Switzerland, nothing is FREI) and my parking spot is in a garage in my building – translate – good during the winter.

Pillar Parking: So, you can't sit in the back seat on the passenger side if you want to actually get out.

Pillar Parking: So, you can’t sit in the back seat on the passenger side if you want to actually get out.

Having said that, getting in and out is every bit as freightening as your nightmare ride at an amusement park – anything but amusing. It’s the death spiral from hell, all two floors beneath the surface of the earth.

So, I’ve taken the only approach that seems appropriate – close my eyes – and just let Dorothy – my GPS and warning system, cause we’re not in Kansas anymore – just beep like crazy as if I wasn’t aware we were mere centimeters from 4 foot concrete walls on either side. Duh.

But my Texas visitors find it an amusing welcome to my building.

Just in case anyone is unclear as to who parks here

Texas Plates – Just in case anyone is unclear as to who parks here

what do you think??