Adventures with Ladda and Johann #509

Everyone knows about my wonderful neighbors Ladda and Johann. It seems daily there is a new experience, a new story to tell that involves these two intriguing and lovely versions of Glady Kravitz. And today was no different. Gladys-Kravitz-708x350

To say Johann is a military history fanatic is an understatement. He has some bit of knowledge about every conflict since the beginning of time. He consumes books like he breathes the air. He has details on the underlying cause of any war or battle, and recognizes the combat uniforms and the machinery deployed – as well he knows who sold who which piece of artillery over ever changing borders and alliances. And so, earlier this week he asked if he and Ladda could come over to watch the Russian V Day celebration on my TV as I get some stations that he doesn’t. He was already planning on watching the European memorials, but he needed access to the Russian channels. Of course I said yes, that I’d love to watch the Russian coverage of the event 🙂 (How could I not have had this already on my agenda!)

On Friday I decided I needed to get a bit more detail on what I had signed up for.  On the 8th, the UK, France and others were marking the 70th anniversary of the ending of WWII. Johann told me that the 9th is the day that the head of Germany’s Armed Forces High Command, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, surrendered personally to Joseph Stalin’s representative in Berlin.  And so, the parade would begin at 10am Russian time Saturday morning, taking into the time difference, that would be 8am in Zurich – yikes…..did he just say he was coming over on Saturday at 8am???? Well, I’ll have the coffee and tea ready….but I can’t promise I won’t be in my pajamas.

As expected, the doorbell rang at 7:42am. He was like a kid at Christmas. Johann had already been to the bakery and the smell of fresh croissants quickly brought me to life. I had orange-crasin muffins in the oven and Ladda was happy to bring soft boiled eggs and the homemade prune jam from her best friend. And so the festivities began.

Ready for the parade

Ready for the parade

As we gathered on the couch and got comfortable, we realized that there was a 60 minute countdown on the Russian channel. It took us about 4 minutes to realize that there is no observation of Daylight Savings Time in Russia…DOH…so we were an hour early. Well thank goodness for this as Johann didn’t want to miss a thing!

And as any good news service would do, there was plenty coverage of pre-parade activities (sort of like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day pre-show prep….but different.) The best part was watching all the Heads of State arriving. Of course the commentary was in Russian, so the broadcast wasn’t much help to me, but we had our expert of all things global and political….Johann – he recognized each and every President and diplomat – sometimes he had a good head start because he knew the flags on the cars as the arrived in front of the Kremlin, and some because he recognized the wife – nothing gets by him.

3 hours later, I have to say, we had such a good time. I learned about the statue of Minin in Red Square, the naming of Sukhoi SU 30 fighter jet, the new baby of the mistress of Putin, and how to tell the difference between the KGB uniforms and the FSS. Russian V day parade 1

And with all discussions of the War (WWII), there is always expressed and unexpressed appreciation for “the Americans”. It happens no matter who I am with. I’ve written and shared stories of the phenomenon before. I don’t know if i would have ever had the same opportunity to appreciate our sacrifice and our duty in this way. I am a better American for having been in these sometimes odd situations.

Russian V day parade 2


I’ve learned after three years in Zurich with these lovely guardian angels as my neighbors, that sometimes, well most times, some of the best things in life come with no expectations. I have many stories to tell about my adventures with Ladda and Johann, and the best part, is that all of these stories will be etched in my memory for ever. They provide me an experience and an inner growth that has enriched my life. I am a better human, and a better American, for having opened myself up to the sometimes crazy requests of my neighbors.

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